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Our school is a small community where teamwork and positive relationships are expected.  Our goal is to have a safe and enjoyable environment for learning at Licking Valley Elementary.  When a student makes a poor choice, he or she will receive a firm but fair consequence. In addition, I work closely with the parents, teachers  and the guidance counselor so that we can get to the root of behavior issues. This proactive approach has shown great success with many students. 

Common Child Behavior Issues




Anxiety and Depression


Oppositional Defiant Disorder


Homework and School


My Child Won't Go to School


Outbursts and Temper Tantrums


Balktalk and Attitude


Power Struggles




Technology and Kids




Blended/Step Families


Divorced Parents


Calm Parenting


Consequences and Rewards


Effective Parenting





Classroom Behavior


Most of our classrooms use a progressive color or point system.  This system allows students the opportunity to "reset" when they make poor choices. The last level (usually the color blue) results in a visit to the principal's office. Serious behaviors (such as fighting) will result in an immediate referral to the office,  Whenever a student comes to the principal's office for a behavior issue, I always contact the parent.  In addition, I may choose from the following consequences:


  • Student conference

  • Time out (typically for our youngest students)

  • Lunch detention

  • Recess detention

  • After-school detention

  • Saturday School

  • In school suspension

  • Out of school suspension

  • Emergency removal

  • Expulsion


Bus Behavior


Safety is a priority for our students.  Bus rules are in place in order to promote student safety.  If a child breaks school bus rules, the driver will contact the parent.  Further offenses will be referred to the assistant principal.  Consequences can range from conferencing with the student to suspension of bus riding privileges.  After the first suspension, a progressive system will be in place.  For each subsequent bus conduct report, more suspension days are likely.


When a student is considered for suspension of bus riding/transportation privileges, the administrator in charge will notify the student of the reason.  The student will be given an opportunity to explain his/her side. After that informal hearing, the principal will make a decision whether or not to suspend his/her bus riding privileges for all or part of the school year. 


if a student's bus riding privileges are suspended, he/she and his/her parents will be notified in writing within one day of the reason for and length of suspension.


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